Join our English summer camp and broaden your horizons through cultural exploration. Our mission is to improve English proficiency while fostering respect and appreciation for diverse perspectives and heritage. With engaging activities and themes, students gain confidence interacting with people from various backgrounds. Improve your language skills and cultural awareness in just two weeks!
为期4周,主要聚焦雅思培训。参与者还有机会游历加拿大,探访三所加拿大顶级大学 – 多伦多大学、 滑铁卢大学及皇后大学。夏令营 旨在提高学生的英语水平,同时通过旅游拓展 学生视野。由于我们与雅思中心的密切合作,我们的课程由雅思考试专家特别策划及教授。在夏令营 中,学生将经历3次模考及1次正式考试。因我校即是雅思考试中心,所有测试均在校区内完成,非常便利。
Join our 4-week IELTS camp in Canada to enhance your English skills and explore three top universities – University of Toronto, University of Waterloo and Queen’s University. Our curriculum, designed by experienced IELTS experts, includes 3 mock tests and 1 formal test on our campus. Improve your language proficiency and broaden your horizon through travel and cultural experiences.